Monday, February 28, 2011


Everyday at the end of each day i get home, pull off the nikes, sit down and reflect on the day. As a general I have positive thoughts on how I carried myself throughout the day. But there are those occasions when I think back only to find bad times, and bad placement of myself. These times are troubling like grown folk loitering around liquor stores. But with these actions you can only look up and stand taller than before, but while still understanding and learning from previous mistake.  A prime example off a issue starter would be my friday. Unknowingly being too intoxicated to walk. A seemingly harmless situation. Hooking up with that one girl you said you would never get at cause it wasn't like that, chain smoked throughout the night for no reason, then   Waking up to realize that I had fallen down a flight of stairs,( A fall I don't remember ). Only to be scathed with a cut, mistake. Obviously I realize now "hey Joe you should probably slow your roll". But as I said all I can do now is thank god I'm alive and look to the sky.


  1. Some how you summed up my thoughts exactly, not as far as the example but you know.... You need to start dropping your wisdom on a daily basis, its needed in my life. PEACE

  2. Thats Joe Cooper Filling you in on things.
