Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wise Words From Devin

"When your fuggin over your fasho pussy tryin to get some mo' pussy you gon' end up with no pussy."


Raise It Up

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Elegant Sh*t


From My Rogue Journeys to Topanga Canyon & Escondido Falls (LA?)

Should I cease the search in order not to make a premature decision, that could ultimately become a mistake? Or keep my eyes open but also my arms, being prepared for & welcoming whatever it is to come. Perhaps the greatest things come when they are found, rather than sought.

Who knows.
Maybe the one I'm looking for is ment to find me?
It Begins With Self.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


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    To desire is a feeling unlike any other. What causes this certain want, or need for something outside of our everyday? I believe that is exactly it. The need to have something more or greater than what it is you already possess, or have created for yourself.  In most cases, relative desires are fulfilled, and in time they begin weaving there way into our lives, slowly becoming the norm, or something you are used to, no longer standing out & eventually leading to it no longer being desired. You see coming to the realization that desires are an insatiable, universal force, that will never be completely satisfied within us, IS the closest we will ever be to complete satisfaction.  Humans will always continue to want more until the day we move on from this earth. We get married, but cheat, Have kids, then have more, always carrying an inkling of hope the next will better than the last or current, never utterly happy in what it is we have.

    I believe that desire can uphold a very positive or negative effect on humans, and ultimately the decision lays on the individual as to what it is they desire. Do you strive to create the best of what you have? Make your family as close as possible, your home clean and comfortable?  You see if we don't realize the power of what we already possess, and desire to make the absolute best out of it, then we will never be happy and will always want more, or something different. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but you must realize that in order to be satisfied with your life and those in it, you must first come to terms with, find, and create what it is you already desire within yourself and who you want to be.  Only then can you positively seek out what is you desire in your life, but if we never find satisfaction within ourselves, we damn sure will never find it in this world. - Morgan

The Source In History

Calmatic: CrackRoc from CALMATIC on Vimeo.