Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Patriack maritnez x Agenda x Known Gallery Via Juxtapoz


Saw this. Check the article : http://www.juxtapoz.com/Current/patrick-martinez-x-agenda-x-known-gallery-mural

Monday, January 10, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

the slow but beautiful progression of the handmade canvas has begun. at the moment i have gone to a halt on the painting of the canvas...i may need to search. but never the less day by day we continue to play.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

               Unexpected swagger 

The term above may be foreign to many but slightly familiar to those who unknowing posses it. Unexpected swagger is a compilation of ideas and actions that form one dopamean , meanings of and thoughts that cool; things appealing to your eyes or stimulating the body and mind. 

To be or not to be, that is the question. It's not really a choice in the end. 
Someone gives you something, you find a weird shirt in your attic, you find something worth basically nothing in a shop behind that dry cleaning place that you have neither been in or seen before. These are all places where the unexpected linger. But the expected doesn't come yet you must apply first into the real world. When you do this and a sense of magical dopness is created just by implementing this object into real life. This is when you have a achieved it. This a personal feeling, those around you don't need to realize the situation being produced at that moment and time. If you have felt this before face the sun and recognize true beauty.

Thought Productions

What's up with life, the in's and outs of the daily struggle. For the regular people you do the everyday 9-5 to relax. The sensation we desire but frowned upon unless rightfully earned. For the small percentage of people who need to see change spend there energy on the daily search for the new key. The new key, a sense of complete completion of ones life. But both sides still in the search. A search of what is truthfully there. 

Someone always has something to say about anything myself not excluded. People vary for thoughts, styles, colors, sound, and morals and values but through the beginning of generation people we have kept the same necessities food, shelter, and clothing of some sort. Personally I feel we only live once so why not embrace the technology and luxury the all knowing one has provided. This meaning I would walk down the street in a chinchilla coat if it was snowing outside, why? Because a snow jacket isn't that fly and a chinchilla coat would be warm as a preheated stove. Don't get me confused luxury can't compare the smell of a forest but things are pretty damn good at that moment. Somethings make so much sense but at the same time leaves you with less then you began with...